How drop shipping works for is one of the biggest online store in Pakistan , Sellers use to list products on them and deliver them by their own. drop shipping model made this easy for you .

1- Dont buy any product before selling .

2- List the products available with at increased price.

3- When the product is sold send us the invoice and label by email or whats App

4- Pay the charges

5- We will book it the same day.

So no investment no problem Daraz selling is now easy as ABC

3 thoughts on “How drop shipping works for

  1. Asna khan says:

    Is daraz allow dropshipping as per my knowledge they want product to be dileverd within 24 hour to their stores.only booking a product is not the solution for daraz much time you take to deliver product?can you deliver product directly to daraz?

  2. usamaali0331022 says:

    Hello, I’m Interested in your products. I’m selling Daraz marketplace. Kindly Share your product details.

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